
Weighing frame system

Perfectly balanced.

Simply move your conveyor to the hopper or mixer you want, attach the big bag, connect the system to power, and get cracking! Seamless, dust-free, and cost-effective. Our mobile weighing frame system will stop the extraction process for your bulk material automatically and allow for a tolerance of +/-200 g depending on the specific material.




Just like our stationary conveyor systems, our mobile weighing frame system comes with uncompromising quality, cost-cutting conveying technology, and worldwide service. That’s something you can expect from every single one of our mobile conveyor systems – all powered by Schrage, of course.


Fully loaded with advantages.

  • Integrated weighing unit
  • High degree of residue emptying
  • Individually customized for your bulk material
  • Gravimetric weighing (+/-200 g)
  • Operational safety
  • Virtually dust-free
  • All modules and accessories can be combined with each other
  • Also available as a stationary weighing system

Take a look!

Always ready.

We know, what your bulk material need.

BEng Daniel Schrage

Technical Project Management

+49 4465 9469-46

BEng Daniel Schrage -Image