

Mobile Exhibition.

Live demo directly on site: Experience the innovation of our tube chain conveyor directly at your company location. Our mobile fair comes to you so that you can get to know all the functions and benefits up close without having to travel

Full speed ahead to the best solution: Avoid long journeys to exhibition and save valuable time. Our roadshow brings the latest technology directly to you so that you can find the optimum solution for your company more quickly and efficiently


On-Site Tech with expert advice.

Our experts not only demonstrate how our products work, but are also available to answer all your technical questions. Benefit from customised expert knowledge and direct feedback on your specific requirements.

See the efficiency and quality of our tube chain conveyor in action and experience the benefits for yourself without leaving the comfort of your company headquarters.

All it takes is a few steps

How to get your own personal consultation

1. Get in touch-Image

1. Get in touch

Use the contact form to let us know quickly and easily that you are interested in a roadshow.

2. We will get in touch with you-Image

2. We will get in touch with you

Our project managers will contact you with suggested dates.

3. Personal consultation-Image

3. Personal consultation

On the desired date, we will take time for you and show you our solutions in action.

Our project managers will contact you with suggested dates.

Virtual Reality powered by Schrage

Virtual Consultation

Meet our team of experts at Schrage and get comprehensive advice on your current project, quote, or just in regard to our conveying equipment in general.

Virtual Consultation-Image

Always ready.

We know, what your bulk material need.

BEng Daniel Schrage

Technical Project Management

+49 4465 9469-46

BEng Daniel Schrage -Image