There are industries where accuracy is an absolute must. Examples include packing bulk materials, weighing food accurately, and handling sensitive mixture ratios in the chemical industry. Our mobile weighing frame conveyors
simplify production workflows, do their work without any dust, and pay for themselves quickly, as they are able to completely replace upstream and downstream check weighers.
Simply ask!
Heavy-duty & durable.
A compact design, high-quality materials, and heavy-duty engineering. Straightforward, low-maintenance, and durable. And available as a stationary model or on a mobile frame. Our weighing frame solution is the perfect way to
handle challenging or potentially explosive mixtures while handling the material being conveyed gently and ensuring virtually complete residue emptying. Among other things, this makes it easy to flexibly change materials.
How it works
The weighing frame conveyor is moved to the appropriate mixer, after which the big bag is attached and the system is connected to power. After that, it’s simply a matter of entering the desired extraction volume into the control unit so that the conveyor will stop the moment the set value
is reached. The gravimetric weighing unit is adjusted based on the characteristics of the relevant bulk material and its density and flow properties. During conveyance, the control system keeps running measurements until the desired final weight or specified removal volume has been reached.